Most of NZ’s rangatahi will have to navigate the transition from school to work, training or higher education, to go on and lead successful working lives. Some of our young people face challenges that mean the pathway to fulfilling employment is not as straightforward…
That’s where the YWRC’s comprehensive range of employment education workshops come in!
We deliver employment workshops that are 50-60 minutes to cater for high school class times, but can be varied in length on request. During our workshops students are provided with a specially designed teaching resource/activity book, covering all of their employment-related NZQA Unit Standards. Students are also encouraged to participate in discussion around their early employment experiences, posing our educators with their questions and queries.
Many teachers find it especially helpful to bring us in as a guest expert when teaching employment unit standards; we pride ourselves on connecting with rangatahi in their language, on their level.
The YWRC’s goal is to empower all young people entering the NZ workforce, so that they have meaningful employment experiences as they grown, learn, and turn into our future leaders.
To request a workshop booking, complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Workshop and travel fees:
Number of Students: | Workshop Fee: |
40 | $208.50 |
80 | $328.50 |
120 | $448.50 |
Have more than 120 students? Our educators have worked with groups as large as 200 and are happy to discuss different options with you. Fill out the form below to start this process!
Want to book multiple workshops within the school year? If you book more than two workshops in the school year, the following workshops will be discounted by 25%.
Travel Fees:
Distance: | Fee: |
Less than 25km | No fee |
25 – 50km | $25 |
50 – 100km | $50 |
100 – 150km | $75 |
150 – 200km | $100 |
> 200km | $125 |
- All fees are GST exclusive.
- These costs are quotes alone, any additional adjustments or labour may result in an increase to these prices. This will be discussed with the teacher/organiser.
Book a Workshop
Our Employment Education Presentations:
Pre-Employment Skills
Before even starting work, rangatahi need to know how to create a C.V that will get them a job interview, that will land them a job. In attending our Pre-Employment Skills workshop aimed at Year 11/12, students will gain all of the knowledge they need in preparing to look for work. This workshop covers:
- Benefits of mahi
- Curriculum Vitae
- C.V tips & tricks
- C.V examples
- Job searching
- Applying for a job
- Writing a cover letter
- Job interview skills
- Interview questions
Employment Rights & Relationships
As rangatahi are getting their first jobs, they need to be aware of both their rights and their responsibilities in an employment relationship. The Minimum Rights and Relationships workshop is designed to challenge the mindset that young workers are just ‘lucky to have a job’ and communicates that workplaces are built on good faith and a partnership between employee and employer. We discuss employment agreements, employee types and simple things such as wages and breaks.
This workshop also summarises all the employment legislation rangatahi need to know as they begin their careers. During the session, and beyond we will also support, and advocate for young people who are dealing with queries, challenges, or disputes in the workplace, providing advice over things as simple as asking for a pay rise all the way up to helping with legal support and representation.
This is our most popular session, featuring:
- Employment agreements
- Employment types (casual, fixed-term, permanent, self-employed)
- Pay and minimum wages
- Breaks and trial periods
- Leave entitlements
- Workplace unions
And much more, with an emphasis on the practicalities of navigating an employment relationship!
Self Defense in the Workplace
Acting as a perfect follow-up to our Employment Rights session, this workshop comes from us noticing in our mahi that certain forms of unacceptable behaviour are trickier than others to respond to (workplace bullying being a key example). We recommend this workshop for groups that already have some knowledge of employment rights, as it covers strategies to exercise these rights and achieve justice. Issues of discrimination, harassment and bullying are highly relevant for young people, and this workshop is designed to offer students the skills they need to effectively address issues and stop them from happening in future.
The session covers the practicalities of responding to situations of injustice or mistreatment, including but not limited to:
- Workplace bullying and harassment
- Navigating disciplinary processes
- Raising complaints
- Health & Safety
- Mental well-being
Industrial Relations
For adult learners in the employment relations space, our Industrial Relations workshop is delivered in conjunction with the Dairy Workers Union, who offer over 30 years of experience and knowledge of workplace unions. This workshop covers:
- Collective agreement vs. individual agreement
- Collective bargaining
- Industrial action
- Historical union events
- Union structure
Get Free Employment Help
Get in touch with the Young Workers Resource Centre if you or someone you know is experiencing issues/mistreatment in the workplace.