All young workers have access to NZ’s minimum employment entitlements.
You have the right to:
- a written employment agreement (contract).
- get advice or support from someone you trust before you sign the contract.
- have your contract kept up to date, and a right to a copy when you ask for it.
- be paid at least the minimum wage if you a 16-years or older.
- rest and meal breaks, for example, during an 8-hour work period, you have the right to both:
– two 10-minute paid rest breaks.
– one 30-minute unpaid meal break.
- take 12 public holidays off work on full pay, if they are days you would normally work.
- be paid ‘time and a half’ plus another day off, if you work on a public holiday that is otherwise a normal working day.
- get paid leave under these circumstances after you’ve been employed for 6-months or you meet the ‘hours worked’ test:
– 10 -days paid sick leave per year.
– up to 3-days paid bereavement leave on the death of your spouse/partner, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, or your spouse or partner’s parent.
– up to one day of paid bereavement leave on the death of a person not included in the above.
– up to 10-days paid domestic violence leave per year.
- ask at any time for short-term, flexible working arrangements, for up to 2-months, to help deal with the effects of domestic violence.
- ask your employer for details of your time worked, leave, and holiday entitlements.
- be treated fairly and to a proper process if you lose your job through being fired or made redundant.
- be protected from unlawful discrimination because of your age, ethnicity, gender, disability, or religious beliefs.
- work in a safe workplace with proper training, supervision, and equipment.
- get parental leave for up to 12-months and parental leave payments to care for a new baby.