As a young worker you’re more likely to need tips for dealing with a disciplinary meeting more than most other workers. Sometimes you might be quite shocked to hear that your boss wants to talk about your performance at work, and other times it might have been a...
What is more important, a job that pays, or a job that you love? We’ve been asking our friends and followers that exact question and while the answer for some is an easy “a job you love”, there’s a lot more that young workers are considering....
With elections looming and political parties vying for your attention, we wanted to make your job easier by dissecting their employment policies! Rangatahi in employment is where our values lie. Below is a list of NZ’s major political parties, followed by their...
Ko Taupiri te maungaKo Waikato te awaKo Pootatau Te Wherowhero te tangataHe piko he taniwhaHe piko he taniwhaWaikato taniwharauKia ora taatou! My name is Kauri and I’ve recently come on board as the Young Workers Resouce Centre’s new Educator! I’m 20-years-old, born...
Melissa Goodman is an activist, a warrior for equality and fairness, and volunteer Chairperson for the Young Workers Resource Centre. Young people are affected by precarious identities. Rentals that are ever changing, as landlords hike rent prices ad hoc, flatmates...