by Mel Martin Once upon a time Catherine Hodges, a bright, young activist living in the Tron dared to dream up a world where every single person has access to education and empowerment that provides them a fair and just future. Catherine’s way of contributing to...
The Young Workers Resource Centre (YWRC) are looking for a fantastic addition to their team of change makers and big dreamers located in Hamilton City. If you are someone who is passionate and committed to empowering young people, this might just be the opportunity...
Georgie Dansey is a mum of two, who works part time for the Post Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA). She likes to run, and explore, and is interested in building community back into an individualist society....
Okay… So, will work for any wage, because basically that’s the climate we live in. A job’s a job, and any wage is better than no wage, right? And that mentality is what’s wrong with the majority of under-waged employment situations in New...
Happy 2017 Young Workers! The YWRC is officially back open for business after a summer of rejigging, rejuvenating, and a bit of sweating! We’ve got a tonne of interesting things happening with the 2017 General Election rolling around a bit later this year....